The Lost Hotels Of Paris
A Blesing From My Sixteen Year's Son
Postcard From the Party
Homage to Wang Wei
The Highest Hill of Hope
On 52nd Street
By Small And Small: Midnight To 4 a.m



  Tour Diary :
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Hamburg, Germany & Holland - March 2001

Sunday, March 11--Utrecht to Lichtenvoorde to Amsterdam
    From the wild swirling festival night to a small town afternoon show. Our driver is late picking us up, so it's out of the van and directly on to the stage. A very subdued sit down at the tables--Sunday afternoon crowd. One almost expects someone to shout "Bingo!" at any time. Nonetheless, a pleasure to relax a bit and to not have to worry about keeping the adrenaline pumping so hard. The Dutch countryside is strikingly clean and neat--brick homes and barns--orderly yards--straight line rows of trees--flat lime green fields in the drizzle.

    I'm the opening act for Jimmy Dale Gilmore, with his two backup musicians, Rob Gjersoe and Brad Fordham--great guys--fun riding in the van, trading jokes and stories. The opening act gig is a mixed blessing. Hopefully you are teamed up with an act similar to what you do, so that maybe the crowd might be led to discover something new--but, they don't know the songs and they are there to see someone else--so you walk out onto the stage and pray that you might win them over.

    set list:
      1. Richie
      2. Folksinger
      3. Nobody's Girl
      4. I Love To Wake Up In New Orleans
      5. Long Drag Off A Cigarette
      6. Chain Link Fence
      7. I Love To Watch A Woman Dance
      8. For My Wedding
      9. Love Is Everything
      10. Just My Imagination

Monday, March 12
    Free day in Amsterdam. Slept for 10 hours--laid in bed until noon. Beautiful early Spring day in the low 50's--blue sky--tulip buds just poking through the ground everywhere. Wandered the city--all my favorite haunts--The Villa Zeezicht cafe--Backbeat Records--spent a few hundred guilders on old school soul reissues that are hard to find in the states--i.e. "Superfly" from Curtis Mayfield with 13 out-takes from Charly Records. Charly puts out the coolest stuff but they never pay royalties. My song "Struttin On Sunday" recorded by Aaron Neville, has been on at least half a dozen Charly compilations for which I haven't received a penny. Of course, I buy them coz the music is always great--Oh well...

    I notice that Luka Bloom is playing so I go to see him at a small theater here. Moody and enchanting, his show. Afterwards I wind my way home through the small streets alongside the canals. I have a late dinner at the pizza/pasta place across from my hotel and it's off to bed. Showtime again tomorrow night, in Heeze.

    P.S. Back in my hotel room listening to my new stash of CDs. Cool new song by Bobby Womack on the new Rae & Christian CD (two white hip-hop producers from England). Bobby plays acoustic guitar against a very funky beat and growls in the old-school style. I see Bobby Womack as a singer/songwriter--just a very funky one!

Tuesday, March 13 - Heeze-Cafe de Koffer
    Texas style roadhouse bar in small town Holland. Well, if you reach just one person it's worth it. Tonight there was one good listener, at least--a fellow I spoke to named Martin, who had seen me play in Tilburg on my last tour here. Martin says that "Nobody's Girl" and "For My Wedding" are classics. Sounds good to me. I should have bought him a beer. The best part of the night was riding home to Amsterdam listening to Bob Dylan bootleg tapes and talking with my road manger Lammert. Driving through the Big Night, far away from home.

    set list:
      1. Richie
      2. Folksinger
      3. Nobody's Girl
      4. I Love To Wake up In New Orleans
      5. Long Drag off A Cigarette
      6. Chain Link Fence
      7. Moving Day
      8. Faces You Loved
      9. Feels Good
      10. Ain't No Sunshine
      11. Love Is a Ruthless Thing
      12. Love is Everything
      13. Just My Imagination

<<Germany & Holland, pt 1

Germany & Holland, pt 3 >>

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